Friday, September 30, 2011

Do You Miss Me?

Hey so here are two more chapters for you guys can't wait to share with you all baby Lizzie's arrival and I hope you love it as much as I do. I'm so excited *squeals* *coughs* I mean its no biggie(YES IT IS!!!!). I was able to post because I had no classes because of Rosh Hashanna but that also meant a shitload(excuse my language) of world history, physics, and french assignments. I do However have classes tomorrow and will try to post (a.k.a. force myself to for the love of CASTLE) Lizzie's birth and even more chapters. On another note (for people in america because I don't how the seasons run in other countries but we're on season 4) how was Rise-4x01 and Heroes and Villains-4x02 I thought they were epic and  really awesome especially that game changer at the end of Rise. It completely threw me off guard when she said she remembered everything about the shooting wich meant she remembered Castle saying he loved her. I hope that this means that they will get together *squeals and jumps around excitedly effectively waking up everyone at 1:27 in the morning*. 

P.S. And one of you guys sent me a few fan pics but you need to tell me your name when you send me stuff so I can give you credit whoever you are please email me your name so I can post them hope fully this weekend.

P.P.S. Please guys send me fanfiction so I can post your stories as well and if you don't want to be known just write anonymous I love everyone who has commented *digital hugs and kisses*.

Chapter 18 - Bearing Gifts

"Yeah, ok sweetie… Mmm-hmm, we'll be heading back soon…"
Kate spotted her husband as she emerged from the ladies' bathroom for the third time in the space of an hour. He was talking to someone on his iPhone again and she, ever-the-detective, was starting to get suspicious. Kate narrowed her eyes and frowned as she slowly walked (or rather waddled) over to Rick who had his back turned to her; completely oblivious to her presence. When she got in an ear-shot distance, she heard him say:
"Just make sure that everything is ready-" Rick abruptly stopped mid-sentence when he turned around and came face-to-face with his wife who was arching a curious eyebrow at him.
"Uhhh," he stammered as he eyed her anxiously. "Ok Paula, yeah that's fine. Send it over. 'K bye." He hastily ended the call, ignoring the protesting voice at the other end of the line.
Kate tilted her head, narrowed her eyes and crossed her arms.
"Hey, you ready to go?" Rick asked as innocently as possible.
It didn't fool her.
"What was that about?" She asked, still with her arms crossed.
"Hmmm?" He was slightly nervous now. Kate, even an eight-months-pregnant Kate who was currently a head-and-a-half shorter than him without her power heels, was still extremely intimidating. Extremely.
"What were you talking about with Paula? Your next manuscript isn't due in like six months."
"Oh. Yeah. Uh, she just wanted to..." 'Shit, don't blow it Rick,' he thought, his Adam's apple bobbing anxiously.
Kate arched one of her perfectly sculpted eyebrows. "Well?"
"Uh, it was just about a- a few book signings." He smiled, relieved and slightly impressed with himself that he didn't break under his wife's intense interrogation-room stare. Which was scary, really scary. "You know, promotional stuff for the movie." He flashed Kate his boyish grin that often melted her resolve. "So are you ready to go home, Mrs. Castle?" He draped an arm around her shoulders as they started to make their way out of the Museum of Natural History.
Kate watched her husband for a few moments, not entirely convinced by his answer. But, deciding that she wanted to go home and clean out their fridge, she opted to end her interrogation. For now.
"Yeah, I wanna go home and have you make me something delicious and fattening… I, we-" She placed a hand on her stomach. "-are starving." He chuckled, pulling her closer and placing his other hand on her large stomach as they walked leisurely down the sidewalk.
"Daddy to the rescue then, huh Sweet Pea?"
"She's rolling her eyes at you now, you know that right?" Kate said with an amused grin.
"She would never do that to me," he brushed off her comment before turning his attention back to the baby bump. "We're going to make a mean team. Isn't that right, Lizzy?"
"You're going to expose her to laser tag and Star Wars, aren't you?"
"Well, you exposed Alexis to eye-rolls and Gone with the Wind and…" He shuddered. "Barbra Streisand."
"Hey, that wasn't just me. Your mom had a hand in that... From very early on, I might add." She grinned at him and his face fell slightly.
He narrowed his eyes. "What are you implying?"
"Let's just say that Alexis has 'Papa can you hear me?' on her iPod and she knows the lyrics by heart... And she has all, and I mean all, the movies. Funny Girl, What's up Doc? On a clear day you can see forever-"
He grimaced as if in physical pain. "Please don't say Yentl."
"-Yentl, A star is-"
"Please stop. I've heard enough!" He placed his hands over his ears. "You mean to tell me that my eldest has been exposed to that from an early age?"
Kate shrugged and nodded solemnly, continuing their silly verbal sparring game. "Yes, Castle, I'm afraid so."
"This is indeed a dark day," he mumbled. Suddenly he channeled a dramatic diva… or bad soap opera actor. "Why? Why Alexis, Kate? She's just a child. It's- it's just so... unfair."
She laughed at his silliness. "Shut up. I happen to love Babs. Do I seem damaged by her talents?" A slow grin spread across his face. "On second thought, don't answer that," Kate quickly said, placing a hand over his mouth. Rick removed her hand, still grinning.
"If you wanted me to shut up Mrs. Castle, you could've just kissed me." He shrugged and waggled his eyebrows.
Kate watched him for a few seconds. "Fine." She stood up and placed a chaste kiss on his lips before retreating mere sentimetres. "Shut." She pressed her lips to his again. "Up."
He smiled broadly. "What? No tongue?"
She slapped him playfully on the chest and chuckled.
"No nothing until you get me home and get me and lil' Castle-" She patted her baby bump. "-some food!"
"Aye, aye-" He grinned at her and winked. "-Mama Bear."
'Big Eagle and Mama Hen have landed. I repeat we have landed. Be ready.' Rick smiled as he covertly sent the text message, careful not to alert Kate to his actions. They had just entered the building, hand-in-hand, and were walking towards the elevator. When they got in, Rick's phone chimed for the second time in ten minutes. His wife again grew suspicious.
'Big Eagle and Mama Hen? Seriously Dad, you're losing your touch. Anyway, we're ready. Little Bird.'
A chuckle escaped his lips before he could help it. Kate watched him closely and narrowed her eyes.
"Something you want to share with the class, Castle?"
His head snapped up and he stared at her for a few moments.
"Uh, no." He let out a nervous laugh. "Just a dirty joke from Esposito." The elevator dinged and the doors opened.
Kate rolled her eyes and shook her head as they stepped out of the elevator and started to walk down the hallway. He took her small, slender hand in his and smiled broadly for no apparent reason, Kate had noticed. They reached the door of the loft and Rick went about unlocking it.
"You know what I'm in the mood for?"
"Mmmm?" Rick replied absent-mindedly as he opened the door. He gestured for her to walk in, suddenly grinning again.
She stepped into the loft, her head still turned towards him. "I was thinking a movie and piz-" Before Kate could finish she was met by a loud chorus of "Surprise!"
She snapped her head around and gasped. And then let out a surprised laugh. There were balloons and banners and a lot of friendly faces - all female of course since this was a baby shower. She immediately spotted two familiar redheads at the front of the small crowd. A bright smile engulfed her features.
"Lex! Martha!" The young woman was grinning from ear-to-ear, the very likeness of her father, as she bounced over towards Kate. Martha was smiling broadly as she elegantly made her way to her daughter-in-law whom she came to adore as a daughter. No one could ever fill the void Johanna Beckett's death left, but in Martha Rogers, Kate found an unlikely mother figure. Someone who she relied on. Respected. Loved. Yes, Martha Rogers was her mother now, just as Alexis Castle was her daughter. Kate had fallen in love with the two women just as much as she had fallen in love with Rick. They, with Rick and Baby Castle, were her family. And she was theirs. She belonged with them and they belonged with her.
"Hey Kate!," Alexis greeted as she hugged the dark-haired woman.
"Hello Darling," Martha greeted as she stepped in for an embrace once Alexis released Kate. "I hope Richard has been treating you and my grandchild well," she added, glancing at her son and putting a hand tenderly on Kate's baby bump.
"What- how- what are you all doing here?" Kate asked, not able to rid herself of the smile that had encased her lips.
"What does it look like, girl?" Lanie spoke, stepping out from behind Karpowski. "We're all here for a baby shower. So get your pregnant booty upstairs, 'cause there are some diapers and fairy wings that have your name on it." The ME smirked at her best friend who seemed a little flustered.
"Uh... okay."
Rick came up beside her. She had momentarily forgotten that he was still there. "Well ladies, I'll take this as my cue to leave. Enjoy yourselves... and call me if my daughter decides to come early." He pressed a kiss against Kate's cheek and disappeared out the door before she could respond. A few moments later she was being hauled up the stairs by her diminutive and feisty friend.
Five minutes later, Alexis' phone vibrated and chimed with a new text message.
'Good job Little Bird, I'm proud of you. We make a good team, don't we? Anyway, enjoy the party and call me if anything happens in relation to Baby Bird. Or anything for that matter. I'll be at the Haunt with the boys. Love you with jelly tots on top, Big Eagle. ;-)'

The Old Haunt was a hub of activity as Rick Castle, owner and not-so-regular customer, walked in. He heard happy laughter, loud chatter and the jovial chimes of the piano as he made his way to the '12th'.
"Hey, it's Papa Castle!" Montgomery greeted to loud cheers from the other men as Rick approached the three men sitting at 'their' booth.
"Hey fellas," Rick greeted, taking off his coat and sliding in next to the Captain. He turned to a waiter close to him. "Mike! A round of scotch here for everyone." He turned his attention back to the men. "How's it hanging?"
"Good, man, good," Ryan replied with a smile before taking a sip of his beer. "And you? How's Beckett?"
"Yeah, how's your baby mama?" Esposito chipped in with a wide grin.
"Stubborn, tired, a little pissed about not being able to work and did I mention stubborn?" Rick replied with a wry smile.
The other men chuckled in response.
"Well, why am I not surprised?" Montgomery commented with a smile.
"Yep, that pretty much sounds like her," Esposito added.
"So, did it work? Was she surprised?" Ryan asked, referring to the baby shower.
"Yeah, she was." Rick smiled smugly before his expression sobered up. "Luckily not enough for her water break, though."
Meanwhile back at the loft...
"Oh this is adorable!" Kate exclaimed for about the tenth time to a chorus of "aawwwweess" as she held up a cute pair of tiny pink slippers and a white onesie that had 'Mommy & Daddy's Little Trouble Maker' written across the front. She was seated in front of the small group of friends which included Martha, Alexis, Lanie, Karpowski and a few other female friends she had made over the years.
"So, Kate, do you think Rick's going to help you change nappies?" Susan, Kate's yoga instructor and friend of the last five years, asked with a broad smile.
Kate let out a chuckle and glanced at her step-daughter. "Definitely. Besides, he raised Alexis, so I'm sure he knows how to change a nappy."
"I wouldn't be so sure, Kiddo. The few times I saw him change Alexis, it was a disaster," Martha chipped in, returning to her seat with a refilled glass of punch; the one with the alcohol in it. "This one time when she was about a year old-" She turned her attention to the rest of the women. "-the prospect of changing a dirty nappy almost had him in tears. So what does Richard decide to do? You've guessed it, he opts for a hosepipe. Mind you it was the first time he had to take care of her on his own." The women laughed heartily at this.
Alexis' eyes grew wide. "Grams, you're not serious!"
"Oh don't worry, Darling. Luckily, I was around that time and stopped him before he traumatized you." She turned her attention back to Kate.
"I'll shoot him if he tries to pull a stunt like that," Kate said, shaking her head with a smile.
"If he's not willing to help you, Kate, dear, just tell me. I'll set him straight," Martha said with a wink and the women smiled at each other.
"Alright, this one is from... Madison," Lanie said, handing Kate another bag. "There's a card in there too."
Kate pulled out the card and flipped it open.
'See? I told you. You wanted to have Castle babies and now here you are, Becks.' Kate laughed heartily at this. 'Congratulations, I know you're going to be a great mom. Just like Johanna.' She smiled sadly reading the last line and felt her eyes becoming moist. Everyone she wanted to be involved in this journey was there, except the one person that she needed there the most - her mother. Johanna Beckett would have been over the moon and would have fussed and hovered and hurried her grandchild along. She briefly closed her eyes as she toyed with the ring around her neck before going back to reading the note. 'I'm sorry I couldn't be there today, but we'll catch up soon. Lots of love, Maddy.'
She opened the bag and pulled out another item of miniature clothing to a fresh chorus of "awweesss".
The Haunt... a few hours and quite few drinks later.
Their rambunctious laughter reverberated throughout the confines of the booth, melting with all the other loud noises of The Haunt. An array of glasses and bottles adorned the table, along with a pack of cards and cashew nuts. Currently the men were swapping horror boys-meet-dad and dad-meets-boys stories.
"Cap, you didn't really do that, did you?" Ryan asked, a residual chuckle escaping his throat.
"Ryan, I most certainly did. That little sucker was scared shitless. It took him a year to go from calling me Captain Montgomery to addressing me as Mister Montgomery," Roy replied with an amused grin and a twinkle in his eyes.
Rick grinned wildly as he imagined a stern-looking Roy Montgomery slowly cleaning his shotgun while his teenage daughter's teenage boyfriend watched on, gulping nervously. "Classic... Did it work?"
"No, he's my son-in-law now," Roy deadpanned and the others burst out laughing.
Rick smiled and grew thoughtful. "You know I never got to make Alexis' boyfriends squirm. I mean really squirm. I wanted to do the whole severed head and blood-soaked maniac-routine with one of her dates once, but she stopped me before I could... Such a killjoy." He sighed, shook his head and took a sip from his now watery whiskey.
"Don't worry Castle, you'll get another shot at it again with Elizabeth," Montgomery smirked.
Rick groaned. "Well if she looks anything like her mother and inherits my natural charm, I'm gonna have my hands full."
"Don't worry, bro. She has uncles who will help you out," Ryan said, clinking his beer bottle with Castle's glass.
"And a mother who owns a gun and handcuffs," Montgomery added, also clinking his glass with Rick's.
"And an aunt who will help you get rid of the body and evidence if anything unfortunate happens to a frisky young teenage boy," Esposito finished doing what the other two did.
"Good to know, thanks." Rick grinned and raised his glass. "I would like to take this opportunity and make a toast to my unborn daughter. So gentleman, please raise your glasses to... Elizabeth Castle!"
"Elizabeth Castle!" The others echoed his sentiments and raised their glasses.
"To the little heartbreaker who's gonna give her ol' man a real hard time!" Roy quipped with a broad grin.
"Hear! Hear!" Esposito and Ryan added, laughing.
Rick groaned and dropped his head.
He knew that if Elizabeth Castle looked anything like her mother, that they were going to have their hands full. Right then and there, Rick decided first thing tomorrow that he was going to buy a shotgun.
As that thought crossed his mind, he lifted his hand and ordered another round of drinks.
He needed it.
The loft... an hour after the baby shower.
The three (and a three quarter) Castle women were bundled together on the large leather couch with Martha in the middle and Alexis and Kate on either side of the matriarch. The two younger women were sipping carefully from their cups of hot chocolate while the older woman periodically took a sip from her glass of red wine. The loft was still recovering from the baby shower as balloons still floated around and banners still hung from the walls. Currently the three women's attention were focused on a photo album. More specifically, Richard Rogers' photo album.
"Wow, I can't believe Dad was blonde when he was little!" Alexis exclaimed as she held up a yellowing photo of her father when he was toddler.
"Aww, he was so adorable, Martha," Kate commented with a broad smile before her expression fell slightly. "Just don't tell him I said that."
The older woman grinned and patted Kate's hand. "Your secret is safe with me, Dear."
"How old was he here, Grams?" Martha took the photo from her granddaughter and carefully perused it.
"Oh he was just a toddler. Maybe about two." Her face softened as a sentimental smile tugged her mouth upwards. "He was such a good boy. Lively, mind you, but good." Her expression, however, sobered and she sighed. "But, before I knew it he was all grown up and getting into all sorts of trouble."
Kate chuckled softly as she continued to page through the album. "Mmmm, I can only imagine all the trouble he got in to."
"He still gets into trouble," Alexis pointed out with a laugh. The other two women nodded and smiled in acknowledgement.
They grew quiet for a few moments as they continued to slowly page through the album before the young redhead spoke. "Kate?"
"What type of kid were you?"
Kate smiled and sat back. "Uhmmm, well I was pretty good when I was young. My mom used to say that I was 'Daddy's little girl' and that I had my dad wrapped around my little finger."
"Sounds familiar," Martha commented, giving her granddaughter a sideways glance. The two redheads smiled at each other.
"But then the hormonal teenager years started and well, I kinda entered a wild-child phase much to my parents dismay."
Alexis' eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Really?"
Kate grinned and nodded slowly. "Oh yeah. I wasn't you, Lex. I was rebellious and drove my parents, especially my dad, nuts. My mom was a little more laid-back. She understood that it was just a phase."
"What did you do?" Alexis asked.
Kate diverted her gaze to her hands in her lap and smiled, slightly biting her lip. "Let's just say that by the time I turned eighteen, my dad owned about three shotguns," she answered, looking back up. Alexis laughed and shook her head.
"Well, Darling, I think you better get yourself armed then," Martha commented with an amused smirk. Kate only frowned in confusion.
"Between you and Richard's genes, this little one-" She placed a hand on Kate's stomach. "-is likely to be a little trouble maker."
"And a real heartbreaker," Alexis added with a broad smile.
Kate laughed nervously. "Uh, maybe- maybe not. I mean look at Lex, she was practically raised by a man-child and look how well she turned out. You have none of your father ormother's wild-child tendencies."
Alexis shrugged and fought to keep an amused smile off her lips. "True, but maybe Lizzy is going to be Dad's punishment for his many, many sins."
Kate's face dropped. "Please don't say that."
"Oh don't worry, Kiddo," Martha said, wrapping an arm around the younger woman's shoulder. "We'll be here to help you out." Kate returned a warm smile and nodded. "Who knows, maybe she'll take after her good old Grams."
Kate groaned and dropped her head.
The door clicked open and a slightly intoxicated mystery writer stumbled in before shutting the large door as softly as possible. He almost tripped over his own feet as he gingerly walked into his home. He attempted to check his watch, trying very hard not to fall over in the process and coming to the conclusion that it wasn't very late. The light in the kitchen and TV were still on, indicating that there was still life.
"Hey Dad." Rick jumped as his daughter's voice startled him.
"Shit! Alexis... you *hic* scared me!" He exclaimed, slurring slightly. His eldest sat up from her spot on the couch and raised an inquisitive eyebrow.
"Did you have fun?"
"Uh, yeaaahh. *hic* Lots and lots *hic* of fun." He gave her a sheepish grin while swaying slightly.
Alexis bit the inside of her cheek in an attempt not to laugh. "Mmm-hmm, I can see that."
"How was *hic* the baby *hic* shower?"
Alexis pursed her lips. "Great, it was also a lot of fun."
He nodded slowly and blinked his eyes as he looked around the living room. "Where's *hic* Grams?"
"She went out with some of her thespian friends." He nodded and smiled.
"And Kate?"
"I think she went to bed."
"'Kay, I think *hic* Imma do that *hic* too." He turned and staggered towards the stairs. "Night *hic* Pumpkin."
Alexis shook her head and chuckled. "Okay, Dad. Night."
He slowly and carefully walked up the stairs. Once he reached the hallway, he kept his body close to the wall.
"Ka-tie, Ka-tie," Rick sing-songed quietly as he opened their bedroom door. Kate was sitting on top of their bed, legs crossed, unpacking all the gifts from the baby shower.
Rick grinned widely when he saw his beautiful wife on the bed in comfortable shorts and one of his dress shirts, her hair pulled back into a casual pontytail. Kate looked up and raised her eyebrows in amusement when she saw him staggering unsteadily in the doorway.
"Hi," she greeted, biting her lower lip in an effort not to laugh at her obviously intoxicated husband.
He smiled sheepishly at her as he walked over a little wobbly. "Heeyyy Katie." He fell onto the bed next to her and propped himself up onto his forearms and looked up at her; his blue eyes a little duller than usual.
She let out a laugh. "Katie, huh?"
"Mmm-hmm... my beeaauutiffuul Katie," he slurred pushing himself up towards her.
"Oh really? Sounds like someone had fun." She giggled when he nuzzled her neck.
"Mmmm... I sure did." He placed a kiss on her cheek before plopping down onto the bed, lying on his back.
"A little too much fun it seems." Kate looked down at him and grinned. "You know you're going to have a hangover tomorrow, right?"
His eyes were closed and his speech slurry. "Nah-uh," he mumbled, turning on his side and draping an arm loosely over her lap.
Kate lifted her hands. "O-kay, just don't expect any sympathy from me when you wake up with one hellavu headache."
"Mmmm" Was his only reply. After a few moments he stirred and turned look at what she was doing.
"What's all this?"
"Gifts from the baby shower. Our little girl got a lot of great presents. Didn't you, Lizzy?" Kate patted her baby bump.
Rick had a vacant expression as he perused the items on the bed; intoxication and weariness clouding his usually sharp and attentive mind. "Huh, that's nice." He laid back down, draped an arm around his wife and closed his eyes before mumbling. "Remind me to buy a shotgun tomorrow."
She looked down at him, her brow furrowing in sudden confusion. "What?" But before she could get an answer, her husband was already snoring. She shook her head, rolled her eyes and smiled sardonically.
"Lizzy, your daddy can be very silly." A wide grin split her lips as she leaned down to place a soft kiss on top of his head and affectionately run a hand through his hair. "But, we love him for it."

Chapter 17 – My man(-child)

"So tell me again why you dragged me out of bed at eight-thirty on a Sunday morning?" Kate asked, turning to look at her husband before taking the final bite of her rocky road ice-cream cone. They were strolling hand-in-hand in Central Park on a bright, sunny morning.
"A nice stroll in the park and ice-cream of course," Rick replied with a casual shrug and a smile. His ice-cream – like the overzealous child that he was – was already finished ten minutes ago.
He led her to a nearby bench to sit down, sensitive to how quickly she got tired.
"Uh-huh, sure… What do you want Castle?"
"Why do you always assume that I do something nice to get something out of you?... That kinda sounded dirty, didn't it?"
She ignored the last part. "Because I know you... So spit it out."
He hesitated for a moment. "Okay, listen the museum has this super cool dinosaur exhibition at nine-thirty and I really, really want to go." 'And I need to keep you out of the house for a few hours,' the thought vaguely rushed through his mind. He gave her his best lost-puppy expression. "Please."
Kate only shook her head and smiled. "Wow, I really did marry a twelve-year old."
"Oh come on, KC," he whined. "I deserve some sort of reward. For what else would I get up so early on a Sunday?"
"Some early morning nookie," she shot back after a beat.
Rick laughed heartily at this, his eyes creasing in amusement.
"Well, I didn't get any nookie this morning," Rick shot back, waggling his eyebrows.
"Uh, hello! Eight months pregnant here – a little impractical," Kate said arching her eyebrows.
"We could always work something out," Rick replied in a lowered tone, leaning in closer and flashing her a devilish grin. Instead of her usual eye roll or snarky comeback, Kate's expression dropped and her gaze immediately flicked to the ground. She started to absent-mindedly fiddle with her mother's ring around her neck with her free hand; a sign of vulnerability. Rick picked up on it, but hesitated to push her. After a few seconds passed by, she spoke.
"I- I kinda feel… unattractive right now," she mumbled softly, not meeting his gaze.
"Unattractive!" Rick exclaimed in genuine shock. To him, she has never been more beautiful than now. He looked at her in surprise, his brow furrowed. "Honey, what are you talking about?" She sighed heavily before looking up at him.
"Rick, look at me." She gestured to herself. "Swollen feet, swollen hands... swollen everything! I'm huge… and well...," she trailed off.
When he spoke, his voice was soft and reassuring. "Sweetie, you're not fat. You're-"
"Yeah, I know, I know… I'm pregnant," Kate interrupted him with a sigh.
"And very, very beautiful," he added quietly, leaning in and giving her a peck on the lips. "You know you're my girl, right?" She nodded, her eyes still not meeting his. "My very sexy, stunning, gorgeous, heavenly, flexible-."
She shook her head as a chuckle escaped her lips. "Okay, Casanova, I get it."
"Do you believe me?" He lifted her chin, serious cobalt blues meeting tentative emerald greens.
Kate watched him for a few contemplative moments before answering. "Yes... yeah, I believe you." Her eyes, however, again broke away from his. "It's just…" She bit her lower lip, suddenly feeling emotional; pregnancy hormones wrecking havoc on her state of mind. "I- I…can't do anything..." she trailed off, wiping angrily at her eyes still fixed on her shoes. "Damn it!"
His face relaxed as a tender smile tugged at his mouth.
"Katie-" He lifted her chin again, gently grasping it and holding her gaze. "-listen to me. You're allowed to feel a little unsettled, sweetheart. Your whole identity has been changing – along with your body. You're a cop… you're used to be out in field, in the thick of things or at least at the precinct doing your job… and worrying your husband." He smiled at her and she returned a faint one herself. "Now, you're going to be at home for a while… and, well, you feel-"
"Useless," she finished for him with an unhappy sigh.
"I was going to say overwhelmed."
"That too."
"Well, don't worry, I'll be there. I'll help you, I'll satisfy your every whim-" He only got an eye roll in reply. "-and I'll entertain you."
"More like drive me up the wall."
"Would you expect any less of me." He grinned at her again.
She smiled and shrugged. "No, I guess not."
He let go of her hand and draped his arm over her shoulder, pulling her closer to him and pressing a kiss on top of her head. They sat like this for a while, quietly observing the activities and people around them - couples walking hand-in-hand, a few brawny young men playing football, a little girl yelping in delight as her father swung her around in the air. After a silent minute or two, Rick spoke again in an effort to lift her hormonally-dampened spirits.
"FYI... I love seeing you pregnant. In fact I intend to get you pregnant about three or four times more, Mrs. Castle." Kate whipped her head up to look at him. He smiled broadly at her, obviously pleased by her stunned reaction.
"W-w-what?" She stuttered and let out a nervous laugh. "Uh-huh, Writer Boy. Not happening."
His face fell slightly. "What? Why not? You don't want any more babies with me, KC?"
"Not- not three or four more! I don't want to be pregnant for the rest of my life! I haven't even given birth to this one." She placed a hand on her protruding baby bump.
"Okay, okay. Another two then."
He pouted at this.
"One more or... you get snipped. That's my final offer. Your pick."
"Fine... one more," he breathed, pouting once again. Kate tried to suppress a smile as she wrapped her arm around Rick's lower back, leaning further into his side.
After a few quiet moments, she spoke again. "Tell you what... if you agree to buy me another ice-cream, we can go the museum."
Rick eyes lit up with childlike enthusiasm. "Really?" She smiled and nodded. "Okay, deal!" He hastily got up from his seat and held out his hands toward her. "C'mon, KC, I don't wanna miss the t-rex." Kate laughed as he pulled her up.
She wrapped her arms around his neck. "You're such a man-child."
"I'm your man-child."
She smiled before leaning up and pressing a sweet kiss on his lips. "And I woulnd't have it any other way."
He gave her another kiss, while his phone chimed with a text message - the second one that morning from his firstborn.
'Dad, I hope you have a plan, cause we still have a lot to do. Call me when you're in the clear. Over and out, Little Bird.'

A/N: I wanted to do write a long chapter, but I've instead decided to split this theme into two chapters. I just felt that the interaction between the two here could stand on its own. So, you will only find out in the next chapter what Alexis is going on about.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

It's All About You Guys!

Hey everyone hows it going. Now things have been pretty hectic with the start of the new school year so I haven't posted and neglected you guys. Please don't hunt me down and kill me! So with that being said I want you all to tell me how was your first day of Highschool, College, etc. because I reall want to hear about you guys. I have noticed that most of my viewers are from America and Germany and I wanted to thank you for all the support. So leave comments for me and say what counrty you're from and I'll try to give shoutouts and metions to as many as possible. The same goes if you have a birthday or one of your friends who is a CASTLE as well still leave a country so I can be specific. Also I wanted to see wich country has the biggest CASTLE fans so keep visiting get your friends to visit and I'll post the top three countrys with CASTLE fans. There will be a few new posts either later today or tommorow. Love you guys and you know what to do.

P.S Leave comments about what type of CASTLE stories you want to read (Mystery, Romance, Angst, Comfort, ect.).